Borobudur, myth and beauty of Buddhist temple in center java
The location was most likely chosen for its central location and expansive views. Borobudur lies directly south of Tidar Hill, a small knob on the valley floor which according to myth place nailed the island of Java .
We get senses of the grandness from the landscape when we climb to the final terrace of the monument which opens up into 360 degree view of the magnificent valley.
This feeling of freedom and openness evokes the sense of spiritual release that occurs in Buddhist philosophy when someone enters the Arupadhatu, the sphere of enlightenment which is manifested on the final terrace of the monument.
This famous Buddhist temple, dating from the 8th and 9th centuries, is located in central Java. It was built in three tiers: a pyramidal base with five concentric square terraces, the trunk of a cone with three circular platforms and, at the top, a monumental stupa.
The walls and balustrades are decorated with fine low reliefs, covering a total surface area of 2,500 m2. No other monument in the world accomplices what Borobudur does, either in term of the sheer scale on which stone panels have been carved to tell the stories about Buddhism, in the more subjective way in which these stories, man of them highly abstract, have been represented which such great artistry.
We know now that the 1.460 narrative panels on Borobudur were created to illustrate five Buddhist scriptures. Although the relief still poses many fascinating problem, scholars have solved the principal mysteries regarding the text which they are based.
Various factors made it difficult to identify the stories told in the relief. Artists often depicted the same persons or objects differently in different panels, even in adjacent ones.They also avoid showing conflicts, violence or suffering – precisely the scenes that are easier to identify.
The lowest level has 160 relief’s depicting the law of cause and effect; the middle level contains various stories of Buddha’s life from the Jataka Tales.
The highest level has no relief’s or decoration whatsoever has a balcony, square and shape with round walls. around the circular platforms are 72 openwork stupas, each containing a statue of the Buddha.The monument was restored with UNESCO's help in the 1970s.
Travel tips to Borobudur temple
Always use a tour guide
The best thing you can do to visit bororbudur is using the services of a tour guide. Tour guides at the Borobudur temple is more knowing the ins and outs at Borobudur temple, ranging from history to myth that you may have never heard before. Distinctive style and unique submission of any tour guide, will certainly make your trip more interesting and meaningful.Visiting in a group
Borobudur temple area manager will arrange a visit by a group consisting of at least 30 people. Each group will be accompanied by the officer who will direct the traffic lane during the Borobudur Temple.To regulate the movement of tourists who visit in large amounts, there are two paths excursions, ie the yellow line and green line. It is made to avoid the buildup of tourists in one place.
To enter the Borobudur temple area, you are required to dress a polite and courteous. We recommend that you use comfortable cotton clothing. Avoid to use of shoes or sandals with high heels. Use Sandals or comfortable shoes for walking.If you come in the morning, there is a good idea to bring a jacket, the air around the temple of Borobudur will feel very cold when morning. For each adult visitor shall use batik sarong that has been provided. When finished exploring the temple of Borobudur, do not forget to return the sarong.
Time to visit
Borobudur temple area opening hours starting from 6 am till 5 pm. We recommend that you come in June, July, or August. Because, in these months tend to be sunny weather. However, Borobudur is always beautiful at any time visitVisiting rules
- Avoid to climb, occupying the stupa, or doodling body temple.
- Avoid to bring food when you get around Borobudur temple, brought the a sharp weapon, musical instruments, as well as animals.
- Do not throw your garbage everywhere, especially in the area Borobudur temple.
This is because the age of the rocks at the Borobudur Temple is very old and has been slowly eroded so that your participation during a visit in the area is very large in an effort to preserve the existence of this very famous temple.