The Culture of Betawi at Setu Babakan
There is a place would be gathering your pursue in Betawi's culture , it's known as "Setu Babakan" .
This place is located in south Jakarta , at Jagakarsa region (Betawi Setu Babakan Village Center, Srengseng Sawah Jagakarsa, South Jakarta, Indonesia). This place is also known as "Betawi Culture village".
As a culture village , we will shown by traditional betawi's home near and side by side when we entering this village.
This village provide much of Betawi's culture , such as traditional foods , traditional dancing , or water trip in the lake of Setu Babakan (Setu = lake).

The extent of the township region of 289 hectares is located in two natural lakes, ie lakes Babakan and lake Mango Bolong. Not only limited enjoying your travel by lake viewing, this lake have been completed for visitors to try any activities as fishing, canoeing and use bicycle water sports.
Both of lakes was surrounded by greenies fruit trees which is the typical of Betawi such a lute, starfruit, sapodilla, papaya, banana, guava and jack fruit. The trees itself also surrounding the house of local people.
There can also be found in home yard with spacious terraces, a single story, the average house built with wood. The house consists of living room, family room and private rooms.
A typical large terrace Betawi house which is usually used for receiving guests and gathering all family visited in front of the house.

Betawi Traditional foods.
Betawi as a culture , had alot of traditional foods which have local unique taste and delicious were it's very worth to try .
One of the famous Betawi traditional foods is "Kerak telor", This is an unique traditional of Betawi foods , some other of Betawi traditional food is "Laksa","Toge goreng","Tahu gejrot" and many more.
You can find these traditional foods in Setu Babakan area . For one kind of this food , you can buy it only less from One Dollars.
Betawi Traditional dancing.
There are so many Betawi tradition dance playing at Setu Babakan , mostly on weekends. There were a huge stage to perform these action , so we can enjoyed it for free .
This action perform Betawi's traditional dance , such as "Tari topeng", "Tari cokek", "Marawis", "lenong", "Tanjidor", "Gambang Kromong", and even "Ondel-Ondel".
And every weekends it had different dances type to shows. Playing at 14.00WIB until 17.00WIB. Enjoying your days with valuable culture !
Lake Activities.
Lake of Setu Babakan provides another water trip to played . Swan's boat is the most likely for the local tourist to play , and the other is cano boat . we can enjoy it for one dollars for one trip.

Take a few hours from your time to explore Jakarta mostly ethnic. Beautiful place , beautiful culture , and many more we can find in this place .Enjoy the trip and have fun time .