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Grojogan sewu : Travel to Tawangmangu waterfall

For people of Indonesia, especially people who live in the province of Central Java, Tawangmangu name is not foreign anymore on their ear. An area that is very popular because of the waterfall. Tawangmangu located on Lawu mountainside , Central Java. Has a height of 1300 meters above sea level. This region is the mountainous region which is pretty cool and cold temperate.

Has a distance of about 40 km from the city of Solo, can be reached by land vehicles for one hour from the city of Surakarta (Solo). This place has become a sightseeing spot since Dutch colonial times. Object of the main tourist destinations in Tawangmangu is Grojogan Sewu waterfall (height 81 m).

Tawangmangu waterfalls
Tawangmangu waterfalls scenery

Tawangmangu located in the surrounded area by lush mountain forests and hills. However, this small town has been known up to the foreigner from other countries as tourist region iwhichis suitable to be used as a vacationing option. Tawangmangu morning atmosphere is very beautiful and exotic.

Typical of cold air from the mountains and the mist that enveloped the mountain peaks provide an aura of its own beauty. Take a stroll while enjoying the beautiful rice fields, see the activities of residents in the morning, or explore the markets are very effective to relieve tired of the daily grind.

Tawangmangu also popular with the production of vegetables and fresh fruits. The fields were planted with cabbage, carrots, radishes, strawberries, and various other crops extends everywhere.

The stairs in tawangmangu

To enter this Grojogan sewu tourist area, you will be charged Rp8000, - per person (prices may change at any time). Ticket prices are cheap enough to enjoy the incredible natural scenery here. Distance from the entrance to the waterfall where the purchase of tickets were still quite far away.

On the right and left side, there are growth lush vegetation such as pine, Kaliandra, resins, and many other plants. As for the fauna, the forest is a place to live for the long-tailed monkeys, squirrels, and various species of birds.

While on the move, the monkeys will not hesitate to greet visitors, especially with food. To Reach the location of the waterfall, visitors must descended the stairs within 500 meters.

Tawangmangu entrance gate

The number of steps that you need to pass more or less totaled 200 steps. Be careful if you come after the rainfall, because the steps to the waterfall is quite slippery. Once you reach the last stairs, you will pass through the rocky path, in the middle - between waterfall and stairs, there stood a bridge.

This bridge is the best spot to see the beautiful of waterfall Grojogan sewu . In addition to seeing the waterfalls, the Park Grojogan Sewu there is also a swimming pool, some outbound games such as flying fox, mini rafting and others.

How to travel to Tawangmangu waterfalls

Visitors can use a private vehicle or public transportation (bus) to the location of these attractions. The distance between Solo - Tawangmangu approximately 42 km uphill and the road conditions are not too wide, while the distance between Yogya - Solo approximately 65km, where the condition of the road is wide with a more dense traffic.

If you want to use public transport, visitors can ride by bus from Terminal Tirtonadi Solo - Tawangmangu. The route followed by Solo-Karanganyar-Karangpandan-Tawangmangu. The journey from Solo to the site can be taken for about a half hour.

Arriving at the terminal Tawangmangu, visitors who use the public bus have to walk along approximately one kilometer to reach the location of attractions. Or you can also take public transportation called L300.

Travel tips in Tawangmangu

1. Prepare a map of Solo and the surrounding areas to avoid getting lost. You can utilize google map or google earth.
2. Be careful of the monkeys at the entrance, these monkeys are very interested in food, although hidden in a bag.
3. To enjoy the atmosphere of peace and quiet, you should come when not in Indonesia national holiday , because when holiday, the number of visitors are very much.
4. prepare for an replacement outfit. the air around the waterfall can make your clothes getting wet.