Balinese wood masks and sculpture crafts at Village mas , Bali.
The Bali wood masks and sculpture crafts center was located in the village mas, Gianyar, Bali. This Mas village located for approximately 20km from Denpasar city and 6 km before Ubud. Mas village communities have dynamics live oriented such as the other villages attractions major in Bali.
They do some transformation from an agrarian society and continues to craft maker community until service sellers and souvenir trade. Mas village is a tourist village located in the the art network villages which is so mutually supportive and complementary of the surrounding villages.
Along the road in Mas village, it was developed some of the art shop that serves as the marketing and the production of statues and even accommodate the workforce as a carver, sculptor and engraver.
The village is characterized in the art of carving wood sculptures that promote synergy characteristic humanism and naturalism. Statues of deities resembling coin lined up to have a very high artistic value. The results of these crafts can be found at any art shop that lined the road when entering the village of Mas.
The Strength from attraction of statues and masks which made by sculptors in the village mas is at the end of the result that looks very smooth on each sculpture and masks that have been so. Mask models that was sales in here leads to a form that is often used to any mask dance performances in Bali. Such as the barong dance, masks are used so realistic, so that adds to the perfection of the show.
In addition to crafting a mask, the crafts of Mas village also makes some sculptures were coated with kepeng (pis perforated). Statues of deities resembling kepeng lined up to have a very high artistic value.
The results of these crafts can be found at any art shop that lined the road when entering the village of Mas. If you are a collector of traditional statues and masks, then the village mas is the perfect place for you to complete the collection of Balinese statues and masks.
At the end for this series "road trip to Ubud" , we hope this information can help you to guide to the other tourist destination near ubud, Bali. More over if you had a plan to attend the Bali Spirit Festival which held in the end days of next march 2012. Happy reading and enjoy your road trip to Ubud.