Ullen Sentalu Museum : Old Javanese Colonial Romance in Yogyakarta
Ullen Sentalu Located in the tourist areas Kaliurang, the northern city of Yogyakarta precisely in Kaswargan Park with an area of 11,990 m2 of land.
Ullen Sentalu name, an abbreviation of the Java language: "Ulating Blencong Sejatine Tataraning Lumaku", meaning "flame of the lamp blencong is an indication of human life in stride and worked." Philosophy of the museum's name is taken from an oil lamp used in the puppet show (blencong).
The uniqueness of the Ullen Sentalu museum was able to saw from the outside. The wall building is made from large stones, fused with lush trees and vines that stretched to reach of the roof.
The Museum building style is reminiscent of the old castle buildings in Europe. Broadly speaking Ullen Sentalu contains collections that tell about the lives of sons and daughters of the palace.
This collection tells about their habits, their clothes, and also the symbols that had not previously been known by the general public.
The first part of this museum is an under the ground building . We will enter through a stone staircase winding down. You will see collections of gamelan's palace.
There are Yogya gamelan, which is usually played during the ceremony of rise to the throne. Besides gamelan, there are also paintings of traditional dance palace, like Dance Mask and Single Srinti Dance. Here, the guide will explain the meaning of these dances.
Then the guides will take visitors into the next room. This room was a long hallway that contains paintings of sons and daughters of the imperial palace.
Tour guides will reveal the fascinating story of each painting, photographs and objects that fill the museum, from the time still united to split into the palace of Solo and Yogyakarta Palace.
The most special of this paintings room are on the two paintings which is made with 3-dimensional technique, because the view direction of these paintings follow the direction of someone who looks up, makes the painting look so real.
After passing through the paintings, then visitors are brought into the room of Kambang village. This room contains the poems and letters native sons and daughters of the palace belonging to the couple and their families.
Then after seeing the letters and poems, visitors will enter the next room that contains a collection of original clothes princess palace. The collection is placed in a glass cabinet.
In this room there are Batik Solo and Batik Yogyakarta , you will be explained about the meaning of different symbols in batik yogyakarta with batik solo.
Exit from this room, the guide will take visitors to a rest room, you will be pampered treats with traditional warm drink and he said so efficacious as the beverage of youth. This drink is made from a mixture of ginger, cinnamon, brown sugar, pandanus, and salt.
Then after a brief rest, visitors will pass through a room that is used as a dance studio, which headed to the park. In this park there is a replica of Borobudur reliefs, which mounted as a reminder to the Government starting to forget Borobudur.
Before the end of the tour, visitors are invited to Sasono Recolondo, an open hall containing statues of native archeology. These sculptures are the statues of Hindu gods such as Vishnu and Ganesh.
Then go into a room that contains the statues dance and some paintings of Sultan Palace, one of which was painting when the Sultan welcomed the Lady Diana and Prince Charles.
Guides will lead visitors to the park, where the park has been allowed to take pictures and also the end of the tour Ullen Sentalu.
Ullen Sentalu Museum Travel Tips
- Suggested to Bring Umbrella, while You visiting The Museum
- Taking picture inside the museum is prohibited , so better to follow this instruction.
- Visit to Beukenhof Restaurant, It was a classic room resto , and it would bring you on the colonial romance.
Ullen Sentalu Museum
Secretariat : Jl. Plemburan 10 Yogyakarta, 55581 Indonesia (Tel. +62 274 880158, Fax. +62 274 881743)
Opening Hours : 09.00 am – 04.00 pm.
Open Daily on Tuesday trough Sunday, Closed on Monday
Admission Fee : International Rp.50.000 ( Minimum for 2 Persons), International student Rp.50.000, Adult Rp.25.000, Local Student Rp.25.000
Website : http://www.ullensentalu.com/