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How Bali Annual Events Changed How We Think about Bali

Think about Bali , some people will roll out of mind and think some of  pristine beaches, surfer, spas, or nightclubs.  That is truly perspective mind if they come in ordinary travel season . So, there is  closest event will perform in Bali , Bali Arts Festival 2015.  Bali Arts Festival 2015 will be rolled out from 13th June to 11th July and took a place in Denpasar, precisely at Bali Art's Center. For one full month, the best of Bali's art will roll out everyday, magnificent Bali dances,  music, and artistic expressions.

Have you ever come to Bali while the island rolling out the best performance for Balinese music, arts and tradition ? if the answer is No, you had missed completely travel sensation in fantastic island of Bali. Let's check it out for short descriptive about Bali Art's Festival were performed as.

Bali Art Festival Parade

Awesomeness of Bali traditional music sound.

Hearing the music  sound of Balinese traditional music art's performance directly such as gamelan or acapella performance will bring so much sensation for mind and soul. The music sounds brought magical ambiance with various rhythm from enchanting Balinese folk song.

For example, Balinese traditional arts perform were brought a mystical sounds is Kecak Dance.  It sounding the "cak.. cak.. cak.." acapella from 20 until 50 person for at least 45 minutes show time. It's limited sensation and makes  valuable moment that you can't  hear every time.

Interesting Balinese dance movement

Watching the dancer in Balinese dance show and put more attention to every movement they did, you will feel amaze for what they did. Let put one of Balinese dance, Pendet dance.

The eyes movement from the dancer is always  following the rhythm of music sound, thus for body swing, the mimic of the face and hands movement. It's being important to shows the main character for every situation in every storyline of dance. 

Exotic traditional Bali costume

Bali arts festival brings a lot of arts including costume parade. As a kingdom region in earlier time, Balinese people kept variety of costumes to wear for in each resident both for young and old.

Each ceremony and every religion day,  they use different pattern and form for each moment. In this festival , you will found exotic variety traditional Bali costume as it shown in costume parade along the festival.

All day is fascinating Balinese culture

Getting involve in Bali Art's Festival will not only feature traditional Balinese performances but also demonstrate collaborations of Balinese with foreign arts. This new collaboration performances is the unique feature of this year.

Considering the pride of the Balinese people have in their culture, and the adaptability and dynamic they have always demonstrated, this would bring every travelers were involved would brought amazing experience during festival.

Presented almost each year, Bali Arts Festival features classical dances of the island, such as the legong, gambuh, kecak, barong, mask dances and others like. The richness from Balinese culture will brought every day, one month full and set up  your mind with this fully unordinary  traveling season in Bali.