Bromo : Travel to the amazing Mountain view
Bromo has a height of 2392 meters above sea level, located in four regions, namely Probolinggo, Pasuruan, Lumajang, and Malang Regency. Mount Bromo mesh body shape between the valleys and canyons with a caldera or a sea of sand covering approximately 10 square kilometers.
Mount Bromo has a crater with diameter of ± 800 meters (north-south) and ± 600 meters (east-west). Meanwhile the danger area is inside the circle with a radius of 4 km from the central crater of Bromo.

Exotic Mount Bromo Scenery
Tourist attraction of Mount of Bromo is a natural phenomenon with the peculiarities natural causes that are not found elsewhere, namely the crater in the middle stretch of the crater with sand sea that surrounds it.
Ocean sand of Bromo-Semeru National Park is the only conservation area in Indonesia which has an area of about 5250 hectares.
You can ride and climb Mount of Bromo via the stairs and see the sunrise. Look at how charming and fascination when the sun rising and setting of , this will be a deep personal experience when you see it directly.
In addition to the desert and vast grass, from the top of Mount Bromo is still active, you can also see the splendor of Mount Semeru, towering through the clouds. The tourists who visit of Bromo usually also want to enjoy the spectacular views of sunrise.
Pananjakan hill is the highest point in the of Bromo-Tengger making it the most appropriate place to see the sunrise.
From this Pananjakan sunrise will indeed seem obvious and very beautiful. Additionally you will find a temple that is still used by the Tengger tribe to worship.
You also can watch from nearby farming activities potatoes, carrots and cabbage are done by people in the cliffs of the steep hill.

For the people of Bromo, the Tengger tribe, Mount Bromo is believed to be sacred mountain. Once a year the community held a ceremony Yadnya Kasada or Kasodo.
This ceremony is took place in a temple located at the foot of Mount of Bromo and proceed north to the top of Mount Bromo.
Kasodo ceremony held each year (December / January) on the full moon. Through the ceremony, the Tengger tribe beg or ask for an abundant harvest starting reinforcements and a remedy for various diseases, in particular by offering to throw offerings into the crater of Mount of Bromo.
The Tengger community while others had to descend the cliffs of the crater and reached to catch the offerings thrown into the crater, as a symbol of blessing from the Almighty.
How to travel to Bromo
From Jakarta - Mount Bromo
Almost all of the national airline its routes from Jakarta to Surabaya, so you do not have difficult to obtain tickets.
Landed at Juanda Airport. There is an option at Juanda Airport Damri buses that take us to the bus station Bungurasih Surabaya.
After that, select majors Jember bus or Banyuwangi. Ask for the bus conductor, that you want to go down in Probolinggo.

In Terminal Probolinggo, you can ride into the village transportation department Ngadisari District, will cost about 25 thousand rupiahs. But do not be surprised. The Transport passengers will wait until the car is full, then later it was leaving.
To view the sunrise form the Mount Bromo The best location is at Mt Penanjakan. You need to rent a jeep hardtop car to take you across the sea of sand. Rental rates of about 300 to 400 thousand rupiahs per car.
For this case you can rent a car with a few tourists venture. One car enough for seven people. You should've ordered this jeep at night. Owner of the hotel at 03.00 am will wake you up to go view the sunrise.
To move up to the summit crater of of Mount Bromo you can take the stairs up to the peak. You can hire a horse with a cost of 100 thousand rupiahs.
You'll ride a horse with a guided horse owners so you can be secure in the saddle a horse without worrying about his horse ran away.

Travel Tips In Bromo
- It is recommended to visit during the dry season because when the rainy season *would be difficult to enjoy the panoramic view of the sunrise at Penanjakan
- Try not to come on a holiday (Saturday / week) for lodging and food prices rising rents.
- Bring extra clothing, jackets, handkerchiefs, head coverings to warm as the temperature is quite cold.
- Bring an umbrella because the Cemoro Lawang is often good local rainfall in the dry season and rainy season.
- Try to be familiar with the people around because people are very happy to mingle with the tourists. Exploit information from them so we can estimate the cost to be incurred during travel in Bromo